Best Pressure Washer for Drain Pipe Cleaning & Blockages

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Pressure washers have many great uses and one is certainly removing hard-to-shift stains or blockages, the high pressure allows pipes and guttering to be easily cleared very easily with intense water pushed through.

This works with all standard pressure washer models. However, you need a special drain pipe kit. This is a long flexible hose with a jet nozzle on one end and a coupling that attaches to the jet washer on the other end.

Power Washer Kits for Drain Pipe Cleaning & Blockages

To clear a drain using a pressure washer is very easy, however additional pipes may be needed depending on the location of the drain and also where the blockage may be.

Best Pressure Washer for Drain Pipe Cleaning & Blockages

You can purchase duct hose pipes that are long lengths of piping, from 7.5m up to 30m depending on the job. These pipes are connected to your pressure washer and the other end is fed down the pipe that is blocked, with your pressure washer on you can feed the hose down the blocked pipe, it will force any debris or blockages out of the way and along the pipe to where this exits.

Pressure washer drain blockage kits are ideal for:

  • Clearing blocked downpipes
  • Clearing outdoor drains
  • Clearing blocked waste pipes
  • Clearing blocked sink drains
  • Ideal for clearing guttering

By using a long thin extension hose it allows you to easily feed the hose down narrow gaps, with it being thin and flexible it allows the hose to bend around tight corners and U-bends while being able to be fed down very small gaps too. You can unclog a sewer drain using an electric or gas-powered pressure washer.

The benefit of this kit is that it is also cheaper than calling out someone to do this for you, and with this, you also get to keep it for any other times in the future where it may be needed again.

Karcher Pipe & Drain cleaning Kits

If you own a Karcher pressure washer then these official kits are ideal, they will work with all models, however the higher-spec and more powerful model you have the better and easier it will be to clear the blockage.

If you own a pressure washer then there are many more uses for it than just cleaning your car. Your pressure washer is the perfect device to clear drain blockages outside, in guttering, down pipes, internal pipes, sinks and toilets. Karcher has created a specially designed 7.5-metre pipe that easily connects to your pressure washer and can be fed down the pipe that is blocked.

The Kärcher 7.5m Pipe comes with a universal fitting allowing it to easily connect to all quarter pressure washer trigger guns. The pipe itself is very slim and has markings down the side so you can easily track its progress and how far in you have to thread the pipe. The pipe is very slim and also very flexible making it easy to pass down the pipe that is blocked, it is perfect for tight gaps and pipes such as sinks and downpipes.

The pipe is flexible and will get round corners and U bends, however it would struggle with a double U bend. The 7.5m hose is long enough to clear most blockages and get down mot pipes, the pressure from the hose will quickly and easily clear the blockage forcing it along and learning any debris.

Kärcher 7.5 m Pipe and Drain Cleaning Kit
Our Rating
Clears blocked pipes and drains. Four backwards-firing high-pressure jets propel the hose into the pipe and clear the blockage. With consecutive marks and marker ring to show progress in the pipe.

The Kärcher 7.5m Pipe And Drain Cleaning Kit isn’t cheap, however, if you already own a pressure washer then the cost of this pipe unblocking kit is good value and probably cheaper than it would be to hire someone to come out and sort it for you. The bonus is you then own this kit so if you ever have a blocked pipe or drain again then you can just get the pipe out and use this to clear the blockage.

Nilfisk Drain Cleaning Kits

Nilfisk also has a draining clearing kit for their range to start with a 15-metre hose perfect for the job.

Nilfisk Pipe Cleaning Set 15m
Our Rating
This 15 metre-high-pressure hose comes with a Drain Nozzle and tube cleaning adaptor. Drain Nozzle drives itself down the drain to the obstruction which is then attacked by the high-pressure jet. Tube attachment has a flexible nozzle end to help move around U-Bends in sinks and toilets. Compatible with all Nilfisk consumer pressure washers.

When buying an extension hose make sure the hose connectors fit your pressure washer model, some machines have their own special connectors so third-party accessories may not work with your model, so do double-check before purchasing. If in any doubt buy the official kits for your machines.

As well as drains and pipes the kit can also be used on guttering allowing you to push the hose along with the guttering with the water forcing any debris and leaves along and out of the way. This is a great task to do in the spring to clear any leaves and moss clearing your drains and guttering for the new year.

In terms of how good your pressure washer needs to be the more power the better, however, that being said you will have success on most blockages with an entry-level power washer. These kits are really useful and if you have a machine already then these are a great investment.

*Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links, and at no additional cost, this site may earn a commission if you buy. Last updated on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

One Response

  1. Stephen Daniel

    Hi we have got a drain blocked at work need a hose that goes on power washer fitting to unblock it.. We got load of pipe


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